Cottage Garden Grapevine Mini Broom arrangement is adorned with silk Pale Yellow Roses, a Lime Hydrangea, and a silk Coral Peony flower. Splayed down are silk fushia Lilac flowers. Dried Lavender is in with the mix as well as jade green and lovely lavender bows. Jute ribbon is delicately wrapped along the top of the mini broom and is ready to hang. She measures 26 inches from tip to tip and is approximately 15 inches wide at the bottom. This would make an excellent year around wreath for your Shabby or Cottage Garden Home.
ReplyDeleteI love your flower creations, especially the Americana one. I seem to gravitate towards the red, white and blue. Love how you created your flowers on the vine and in the tin can. I will be back to see what other goodies you come up with.
and since you were my 50th follower I am having a drawing by the end of the month for a Prim Rabbit giveaway and I have added your name to the list.
Have a great day
Country at heart